Other posts

  1. Thu 20 November 2014

    Loading PostGIS

    Notes from a talk at PostGIS Day, London 20th Nov 2014.

    The options

    All support basic options such as specifying table names, schema, SRS etc.


    Graphical interface to shp2pgsql tool shipped with PostGIS to load ESRI Shapefiles via pgAdmin III.
    Graphical interface to ogr2ogr command line utility …

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  2. Thu 17 July 2014

    GNU Parallel all the things!

    I've been doing a lot of data processing recently and have been looking for a way of running bulk data loads into PostGIS in parallel to make use of all available cores. The work has mainly revolved around loading national cover of Ordnance Survey OS MasterMap and VectorMap Local for …

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  3. Mon 28 March 2011

    Recursively delete empty directories

    To recursively delete all empty directories from the command prompt in Windows. Open command prompt and change to the desired directory then enter the following:

    for /F "tokens=*" %f in ('dir /AD /S /B ^| sort /R') do echo rd "%f"

    This command generates a list of all directories and sub …

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