Thu 24 November 2011

Disaggregate MultiLineStrings using ST_Dump PostGIS

PostGIS the spatial extension to the PostgreSQL database provides a host of functions for querying, creating and manipulating geometries within the database. ST_Dump allows you to disaggregate collection and multi geometries such as MultiPolygon and MultiLineSting easily. The example below demonstrates starting with a table that contains one row with a MultiLineString geometry and another with a LineString and running a query to disaggregate returning three rows all with a LineString geometry.

Create a table for our demo data:

   id serial,
   "name" text,
   geom geometry

Insert one row with a MultiLineString with two parts ('Bob') and another with a single LineString ('Harry')

INSERT INTO complex (name, geom)
    ST_GeomFromEWKT('MULTILINESTRING((498376.89 651569.6,498372.28 651571.89),(498372.28 651571.89,498371.77 651576.05))')

INSERT INTO complex (name, geom)
    ST_GeomFromEWKT('LINESTRING(598376.89 751569.6,398372.75 658771.03)')

Query to show we have two rows one of which has a MultiLineString geometry:

SELECT *, ST_GeometryType(geom) as geom_type, ST_AsEWKT(geom) as geom_wkt from complex;


id name geom geom_type geom_wkt
1 Bob 010500000002000000010200... ST_MultiLineString MULTILINESTRING((498376.89 651569.6,498372.28 651571.89),(498372.28 651571.89,498371.77 651576.05))
2 Harry 0102000000020000007B14AE... ST_LineString LINESTRING(598376.89 751569.6,598372.28 751571.89)

Use the ST_Dump function to split the row with a MultiLineString into two rows each with a LineString and generate a decimal id composed of the original rows id and the LineString's position in the MultiLineString as the fractional part so that each row still has a unique id that's derived from it's original id:

  COALESCE(( || '.' || simple.path[1]::text)::float, as id,,
  simple.simple_geom as geom,
  ST_GeometryType(simple.simple_geom) as geom_type,
  ST_AsEWKT(simple.simple_geom) as geom_wkt
    (dumped.geom_dump).geom as simple_geom,
    (dumped.geom_dump).path as path
  FROM (
    SELECT *, ST_Dump(geom) AS geom_dump FROM complex
  ) as dumped
) AS simple;


id name geom geom_type geom_wkt
1.1 Bob 010200000002000000F6285C... ST_LineString LINESTRING(498376.89 651569.6,498372.28 651571.89)
1.2 Bob 010200000002000000EC51B8... ST_LineString LINESTRING(498372.28 651571.89,498371.77 651576.05)
2 Harry 0102000000020000007B14AE... ST_LineString LINESTRING(598376.89 751569.6,598372.28 751571.89)
Thu 24 November 2011

Tags: postgis
